Sponsorship Opprtunities
South Bunbury Rotary are part of the 1.2million member-strong Rotary International Service organisation, and has a membership of over 1350 Business, Community and Professional Leaders throughout the South West of Australia.
encouraging local tourism and supporting mental health awareness
The 2024 Dirt n Dust Car Rally will be held from October 16th - 20th on gravel and bitumen roads within the remote and harder to access areas of WA. Many towns are visited with the goal of promoting awareness of mental health issues in our communities. The run also wishes to establish resources and tools that smaller remote communities can access in times crisis, such as floods, fire, along with many other Rotary community projects.
The Dirt n Dust run, is a rally with a difference. It's a journey of discovery. Discovering new and wonderful places off the beaten track, discovering new skills and resilence, and discovering new friends on the run.
$5,000 SPONSOR
Benefits include:
- Naming rights for the Dirt n Dust Run
- Acknowledgements during the rally as a major sponsor (at every location)
- Signage opportunity during the Dirt n Dust Run
- 1 FREE vehicle entry into the Dirt n Dust Run
- Invitation to Sunday Wind-Up Function
- Company profile in all promotional material including the program
- Advertising in South Bunbury Rotary newsletters
- Display material at nightly locations
- Company literature to all participants
$3,000 SPONSOR
Benefits include:
- Naming rights Saturday Wind-Up Function
- Acknowledgements during the run as sponsor
- Signage opportunity during the Dirt n Dust Run
- Invitation to Sunday Wind-Up Function
- Advertising in South Bunbury Rotary newsletters
- Company logo in all promotional material including the program
- Company literature to all participants
$2,000 SPONSOR
Benefits include:
- Naming rights for a morning tea and refreshments daily
- Signage opportunity during the Dirt n Dust Run
- Invitation to Sunday Wind-Up Function
- Company logo in all promotional material including the program
- Company literature to all participants
$1,000 SPONSOR
Benefits include:
- Company logo in all promotional material including the program
- Advertising in South Bunbury Rotary newsletters
- Company literature to all participants
In Kind Sponsorship will receive benefits commensurate with market value of the contribution.
Benefits include:
- Logo on vehicles and within Dusters Program.
- Mention as Bash Supporter during the Run etc.